You are here to register as a Guest Player on an OCASL@TASL team for the fall season!

NEW Player: 

Create an account and upload a picture during registration.  On the next page, click the blue "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" button to set up your Username and Password.  Password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 special character.  Something like Soccer22!


Login with your Username and Password. If the system does not recognize you, email before registering to avoid a duplicate registration.  

GUEST Player: 

Select the DATE of the game that you will play.  After you check the box for Player, scroll down the page and Type in the name of the team that you will play with.

To begin registration, click on the REGISTRATION tab at the top right.

We recommend that you login with your USERNAME, not your email. Email if you have issues registering.

 To VIEW your player profile, you may use the Login link at the top left, but you cannot register under your profile, you must click on REGISTRATION to register.